Absolutely lovely list and sentiments, friend. It's not lost on me that we had a couple overlapping topics in our lists even though we did not swap early drafts! 🙃 One thing that didn't make my post was early morning texts to each other to maintain writing accountability. That's been such a gift!

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All of these are so great. I love that you’re subbing at the elementary school!! I bet you are wonderful at it!

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Thank you friend, it’s been a gift!

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Ah! You know how much I love these posts! Love the picture of your sunset. It'll be okay. Keep going. You are here.

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Yes! We’re here together and we will get through!

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Exercise is saving my life right now. It lifts my mood during these dark winter days and gifts me an hour to get out of my head!

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YES! Same here and I’m realizing I should have included exercise in my list too! My daughter watches me work out and she’s a great accountability buddy!

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We finished our basement last year and the bathroom has a soaking tub. For these winter months, I live in it.

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That sounds so amazing!!

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Muir Woods is a magical place! I’m thrilled you got to go, and that you were there with your people. What a gift.

Our local library is also on my “saving my life” list.

That sunset! Wow!!

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I can so relate to what you write.

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I loved this post. Your pictures transported me back to the Redwoods, even though it's been more than a decade since I've been there. What's saving my life right now is dinners out with friends, spring planning for our farm and my kids drawing comics about French fry superheros! 😂

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“it’ll be okay, keep going, you are here.” Oh, I felt so soothed by these words. And I love your letters and am overdue with one from Diego! And yes x a million to gratitude for our elementary schools. So, so grateful ❤️

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I love slipping on a vest and thicker socks in the afternoon when I sit to down at my desk. Cozy way to dive into my work.

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Great list! I rarely see sunrises, but I adore sunsets, and my girls also love them. We ooh and aah over them almost every night.

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What saves my life? A loving God who gives me a healthier perspective when life gets hectic. I call, he answers, He shows up especially when I am exercising - lunging too far ahead or my favorite, jumping to conclusions. Just yesterday, God brought me down to earth before emotionally before I said or did something stupid. God saved me - again.

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Love this list, friend. And I loved our time together in CA. Do you have a specific blanket to recommend?! I've been wanting to get one since we moved back to MI.

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This is such a restorative offering, thank you for this. We need all the tiny miracles and glimmers of goodness.

(Also, such a delight to see To Light Their Way and Every Season Sacred keeping you company! Grateful to be kindreds alongside you.)

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I love this! Our dogs are saving my life right now. They need regular walks outdoors to take care of business, and I'm using this as an excuse to step outside and walk four times a day. I love starting the day with a brisk walk with Rose around the block. We live in a new neighborhood to us, and there are lots of dogs and walkers. Yesterday I met three new neighbors that I've seen, but now we've connected. Along the walk, there is a lot that has a variety of pine trees, the air there is oxygen rich, and i like to take a few deep breaths and look at the ground underneath the trees. Church is also saving me. We're joining a church, and we're making new friends. Singing the traditional liturgy and hymnody is connecting our new experience to our history. I also love that Dubuque is a university community. There are so many professors and young adults. Thanks for asking. I'm glad I live here. I should also add snapchat with my kids is a lovely way to know that they're alive.

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I love this post! So many great things!

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