Nov 1, 2023Liked by Kimberly Knowle - Zeller

Yes, let us "see how the smallest bits of light can illuminate the darkness." Amen, friend. I also loved this month's blessing!

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Kimberly Knowle - Zeller

No, I need to know there is another way.

A way rooted in care and connection.

A way of seeing neighbors as beloved.

A way of talking through differences and offering forgiveness.

Loved these words! I keep thinking about connection. I love where we are living, but connection is a little hard, and I miss it. I’m working on it, to be sure, but our community is very transient. I’m starting to also crave the ability to make community that will last.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Kimberly Knowle - Zeller

"We love our families in front of us so we can love the families across the world." So many good things in your newsletter, Kim. Thank you so much. Also appreciated your November blessing. Just what I needed.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Kimberly Knowle - Zeller

Thank you for reminding us of another, more beautiful way. And I always *love* your blessings <3

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Kimberly Knowle - Zeller

I love the realness of this. That you mentioned that life phases and children’s ages have a huge influence on what friendship looks like. And that both the rash threads and the picturesque friendsgiving gathering are so valuable. Thanks for the encouragement in pursuing and seeing the importance of authentic friendships with the people who literally surround me.

Thanks, also, for ending in hope. Its sometimes so overwhelming to witness so much heartache and it can feel paralyzing. But I am grateful for the reminder that these relationships count and this loving counts and the world is actually a tiny little bit brighter because of our miraculously ordinary choices to love and be loved, to forgive and be forgiven and to grow and live with the people around us. Thank you!

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I am weeks behind on my substack reading, but these words still met me in a way I didn’t know I needed. Thank you for writing them ❤️

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